About the Author

Veteran film & TV composer, Geoff Koch—Beautifully Broken (2018), The Abandon (2023), American Justice (A&E), The Final Report (National Geographic), Undercover: Double Life (Discovery)—redirects his creative talents to skewer the scammers who make our lives miserable.  In his crosshairs are those who try to swindle us by phone, email or snail mail.  None succeed.  And none escape their encounters with him unscathed, always slinking away empty-handed and usually furious, too.  By following the examples in this book, you too will come out on top vs. scammers.  Read Hello, Scammer (and listen, too!) for pure enjoyment, then keep this book handy as a reference manual for dealing with the scammers in your life.  They will hate you for it.  And you will love every moment of it.